Annual Exams: What Your Pet Can’t Tell You
Most pet owners will tell you that they can “read” their pets—they know from a certain bark or a particular look what their pet wants or needs. But that’s not always true when it comes to their health.
Animals instinctually hide symptoms and signs of illness or injury, and this is especially true of cats. That’s why yearly wellness exams and blood work are so important. Regular exams and blood screenings help us see how your pet’s organs and systems are functioning and makes it possible to catch things early, before they become bigger and more expensive health problems. If your pet does have symptoms we need to investigate, blood work is an essential diagnostic tool.
These regular exams and screenings are even more vital for older pets. Dogs and cats age much faster than we do, and so disease and illness progress faster as well.
At Kimberling Animal Hospital, we offer two comprehensive blood screening options:
Young Pet Panel
- CBC (complete blood count)
- Chem 17 (checks blood chemistry, electrolytes, etc.)
- SDMA (kidney function)
- Heartworm test
- Snap 4DX (screens for all tick-borne diseases)
Senior Pet Panel (for pets 6 and older)
- Includes all the tests in the Young Pet Panel + thyroid screen
We want to be a partner in helping your pet live the longest, healthiest life possible. If it’s been over a year since your pet has seen the vet, schedule an appointment online or call us at 417-739-4090.